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Glossary — Python 3.5.1 documentation

Glossary — Python 3.5.1 documentation: new-style class
Old name for the flavor of classes now used for all class objects. In earlier Python versions, only new-style classes could use Python’s newer, versatile features like __slots__, descriptors, properties, __getattribute__(), class methods, and static methods.

Glossary — Python v2.6.9 documentation

Glossary — Python v2.6.9 documentation: new-style class
Any class which inherits from object. This includes all built-in types like list and dict. Only new-style classes can use Python’s newer, versatile features like __slots__, descriptors, properties, and __getattribute__().

More information can be found in New-style and classic classes.

Python Programming/Classes -

New Style Classes>

New style classes were introduced in python 2.2. A new-style class is a class that has a built-in as its base, most commonly object. At a low level, a major difference between old and new classes is their type. Old class instances were all of type instance. New style class instances will return the same thing as x.__class__ for their type. This puts user defined classes on a level playing field with built-ins. Old/Classic classes are slated to disappear in Python 3. With this in mind all development should use new style classes. New Style classes also add constructs like properties and static methods familiar to Java programmers.

python101 by Michael Driscoll said, class className(object): is python 2.x style, class className: is python 3.x style.

other web pages dont say about (object) style.


スマホ普及で契約数は激減? ネット生保の想定外  :日本経済新聞

スマホ普及で契約数は激減? ネット生保の想定外  :日本経済新聞: いろいろな諸先輩に教えを乞うたが、腑(ふ)に落ちたのは、当時さわかみ投信の社長だった沢上篤人さん(現会長)の次の言葉だった。




自殺と精神疾患について|kyupinの日記 気が向けば更新 (精神科医のブログ)

自殺と精神疾患について|kyupinの日記 気が向けば更新 (精神科医のブログ): 自殺は何らかの精神疾患ないし状態像が原因になっていることがほとんどである。これは真の心(脳)の健康状態では、希死念慮や自殺既遂がないことを意味する。


山内くんの呪禁の夏。 - 雌狐たちの巣

山内くんの呪禁の夏。 - 雌狐たちの巣: 禁厭まじないの術は便利なおもちゃではない。『するしかないこと』以外はすべて『してはならないこと』なのよ。